2020.2.26 ~3.25 亞達月(Adar)
2020年3月1日 - 4月9日 全球40天耶穌禁食
2020.3.26 ~4.24 尼散月(Nisan)
2020年4月8日 逾越節前夕
2020年4月9日 逾越節、除酵節開始
2020年4月9-15日 逾越節期
2020年4月16日 海外猶太人守節至第8日
外邦喧嚷,列國動搖。 神發聲,地便熔化…你們要休息,要知道我是神。我必在外邦中被尊崇,在遍地上也被尊崇。萬軍之耶和華與我們同在;雅各的神是我們的避難所。(詩46:6,10-11)
四圍的列國啊,你們要速速地來,一同聚集。耶和華啊,求祢使祢的大能者降臨。 「萬民都當興起,上到約沙法谷;因為我必坐在那裡,審判四圍的列國…許多許多的人在斷定谷,因為耶和華的日子臨近斷定谷。」(珥3:11-12,14)
Susan Stanfield在這裡工作了40年,她告訴我們,神告訴她要「做好準備,迎接即將到來的春天風暴。」我相信這就是神對我們所有人說的話。2020年初,神對我說:「勒緊你的褲帶!」這和「束腰」是一個道理。神說這將是一個艱難的財政年度。然而,如果我們做好準備的話,那麼我們將以不錯的業績告終。
拿弗他利的月份:準備跳躍 -羅伯特·海德勒
• 選擇喜樂—不管你喜歡與否!
• 根除抑鬱!
• 發展一個爭戰策略—你正在戰鬥!
• 破除錯誤的法令—知道神說了什麼
• 發現你真實的身份!
(以上預言來自:Brian Kooiman, Sheryl Price, Chuck Pierce, Mistie Lohse, Eleanor Roehl, Lisa Lyons, and Dee Dee Roberts)
The Nations in Turmoil! Declare: Fear Will Be Overcome by Laughter!
Chuck D. Pierce
March 9,2020
The Nations Are in Turmoil!
Psalm 46 says, "The nations raged, the kingdoms tottered and were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted... Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I AM God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us... !" (Psalm 46:6, 10-11)
"The Lord will thunder and roar from Zion...!" (Joel 3:16). From this Scripture we developed our concept for Head of the Year 5780, entering this new era with the roar of the Lord. During that Head of the Year 5780 gathering on September 26-29, 2019, I began to prophesy that the nations would come into turmoil until Passover.
At Starting the Year Off Right 2020, God was saying that there would be a massive plague-like invasion that would test us through Passover. When I prophesied that in Las Vegas on January 26, I did get several comments and certain rebuttals for repeating that our nation would go into some sort of major trial through April. I believe that we are seeing this not only in this nation, but throughout the nations at this time in history.
In Joel 2 and 3, we find these statements: "Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice, for the Lord has done great things! Be not afraid, you wild beasts of the field, for the pastures of the wilderness have sprung up and are green...the fig tree and the vine yield their [full] strength. Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord, your God..." (Joel 2:21-23a)
"Hasten and come, all you nations round about, and assemble yourselves; there You, O Lord, will bring down Your mighty ones (Your warriors). Let the nations bestir themselves and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for there will I sit to judge all the nations round about… Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." (Joel 3:11-12, 14)
Passover Will Become a Dividing Line
As God's Kingdom people, we must understand this is where the Spirit of God now has us in the earth realm. We must always hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church. Several interpretations could be given over the situation of COVID-19 as havoc occurs throughout the nations. Some would even say that this virus has stopped any movement where revival can continue. I would say: "God has put a PAUSE until He sees who is willing to cross over with Him through His Blood at Passover." This Passover will become a dividing line for our future!
Cindy Jacobs prophesied to me on January 3, 2020 that in the first three months of this year, I would have to be cautious in how much I travel. I had gone 570,000 miles last year and was weary from all the travel and warfare. She actually shared that the Lord was saying that I needed rest, but I recognized the admonition to be a caution on my travel for the first three months of 2020. Therefore, I have watched the Lord make sure I've had more time to rest and write, and have actually stopped most international travel during these three months.
Susan Stanfield, who has worked here for 40 years, shared with us that the Lord told her to "gird up your loins for spring storms ahead." I believe this is what God is saying to all of us. At the beginning of 2020, the Lord said to me to "TIGHTEN YOUR BELTS!" This is the same principle as "girding up your loins." The Lord said this would be a hard financial year. However, if we would gird up our loins, then we would end up doing exploits.
Let's get ready to cross over!
Overcome Fear with Laughter!
Adar is known as a month for abounding joy, and the power of barrenness being broken. We can invite the Lord to quicken our emotions so that our expectations are aligned with what He desires to bring forth at this time. During this Purim week, declare that plans for destruction are being overturned, and that your fear will be overcome by laughter!
The Redemptive Work of Trauma - by Linda Heidler
This is also a month of deliverance, and how we speak determines how our freedom will manifest. As Linda Heidler shared yesterday morning: forgiveness plays a big part in our restoration and freedom. Unhealed trauma perpetuates trauma, and since trauma is an issue of the spirit, not just the soul, true healing can only come through the Spirit of God. He is able to work trauma for our good! When we are delivered from areas of loss we can speak with authority to the demons holding others captive. God's redemptive work forms our testimony of overcoming trauma, which can then set others free!
The Month of Naphtali: Preparing to LEAP - by Robert Heidler
As Robert Heidler taught during our Celebration Service, this is a time to LEAP! However, if our lives are not overflowing with the joy of the Lord, we will not have the strength to resist the enemy and will remain captured in an old season. The Lord desires to give us hinds' feet to become like a deer let loose!
Robert shared five key ways to help you prepare to leap all month long:
• Choose to rejoice – whether you feel like it or not!
• Root out depression!
• Develop a war strategy – you are in a battle!
• Break off wrong decrees – know what God has said!
• Discover your true identity!
Your Time to Climb!
God says, "I am releasing a new level of faith within My people! What you did not see in the last season you will now begin to see. You will now begin to see and ascend in a new way. Reach up and climb the waterfall before you. As you reach up, a stairway will form to where I am taking you.
"Climb what I have set in front of you! Climb what I have set in front of you! Although the enemy has laughed and said you will never get to the top and through the next door, this is your time to climb the stairs I have placed in front of you. I am already behind that door at the top of the stairs and laughing at your enemy.
"In this season of overcoming joy, begin to release your laugh and experience My freedom that will enable you to overcome. Even though you may feel you are at the point of absolute failure and defeat, My angels will help you ascend...step by step...and cause you to keep pressing forward.
"I am opening a new portal in the heavenly realm and assigning new angels to help escort you up into the heavenly places and back onto the earth. I stand in the heavenlies and laugh, and I cause you to stand in the earth and laugh at your enemies. For at this time and this season, I will cause you to laugh at your enemies as an overcoming and victorious spirit rises within you as you have not had in times past.
"There is a new source of wind in the earth. This movement is not just My breath that is going forth, but the wind created by the wings of My angelic hosts. I am releasing a unique host to create winds to blow away occult coverings, and to bring forth winds of refreshing and rain from the atmosphere.
"There are things I am beginning to shake within you that will cause a new breath to come into you. As you ascend, you will be positioned on My new trajectory of advance." (Prophetic word given by: Brian Kooiman, Sheryl Price, Chuck Pierce, Mistie Lohse, Eleanor Roehl, Lisa Lyons, and Dee Dee Roberts)