
虽有万人仆倒在我的右边 Though ten thousand fall at my right hand 千人仆倒在我的左边 And a thousand fall at my left 我必不惧怕那死亡的幽谷 I won't fear the valley of the shadow of death 不会惧怕白日的飞箭 I won't fear their arrows by day 也不惧怕黑夜的恐怖 Or the terrors by night 祂必救我脱离猎人的网罗 I won't fear the fowler's snare 因他是我所信靠的上帝 My trust is in the Most High 他是我的避难所 He’s my fortress 他是我的盾牌 He's my defense… 我必不被动摇 I shall not be moved 他吩咐他的天使们 He commands his angels to 随时随地保护我 lift me up in their hands 我必不被动摇 I shall not be moved 我必不被动摇! I shall not be moved! 祂必救我脱离致命的瘟疫 I won't fear their pestilence 我也不惧怕他们的君王 And I don't fear their kings 我必蒙全能者的荫庇 The shadow of the Almighty 用他的翅膀遮蔽着我 covers me with His wings 他是我的避难所 He’s my fortress 他是我的盾牌 He's my defense… 我必不被动摇 I shall not be moved 他吩咐他的天使们 He commands his angels to 随时随地保护我 lift me up in their hands 我必不被动摇 I shall not be moved 虽有万人仆倒在我的右边 Though ten thousand fall at my right hand 千人仆倒在我的左边 And a thousand fall at my left 我必不惧怕那死亡的幽谷 I won't fear the valley of the shadow of death 他是我的避难所 He’s my fortress 他是我的盾牌 He's my defense… 我必不被动摇 I shall not be moved 他吩咐他的天使们 He commands his angels to 随时随地保护我 lift me up in their hands 我必不被动摇 I shall not be moved 虽有万人仆倒在我的右边 Though ten thousand fall at my right hand 千人仆倒在我的左边 And a thousand fall at my left 我必不惧怕那死亡的幽谷 I won't fear the valley of the shadow of death 他是我的避难所 He’s my fortress 他是我的保护 He's my defense… 我必不被动摇 I shall not be moved 他吩咐他的天使们 He commands his angels to 随时随地保护我 lift me up in their hands 我必不被动摇 I shall not be moved